What you owe
Area: 1.285.216 km2
Population: 33 million 35 thousand 304 inhabitants.
Languages: Spanish and Quechua are the two main languages of the country, there are also many other official languages, specific to each region, such as Aymara and all the Amazonian languages.Ethnicities: 54% of the Peruvian population belongs to native Andean and Amazonian ethnic groups, 32% to mestizos, 12% to Creoles (of Spanish descent) and 2% is divided between Afro-Peruvians (of African descent) and an Asian minority (Chinese and Japanese).
Religion: More than 70% of the Peruvian population is Catholic and 30% are Protestants and believers of other religions (Inca and Amazon).
Currency: New Sun, commonly known as 'Sun'
Climate: In general, the climate in the country is temperate, so you can travel to Peru comfortably at any time of the year. The enormous extension of Peru makes it possible to differentiate up to 28 types of climates in the country. In this way, three climatic areas can be distinguished depending on the three large geographical zones of the Peruvian territory: the subtropical coast -hot summers and mild and humid winters-, the jungle -with hot and humid climate- and the sierra -with cooler climate. cold and dry.
Coast: Fairly humid weather. Temperatures range from 12ºC to 30ºC in summer. Winter is from April to October and summer from November to March. The north coast is always sunny and has warm temperatures all year round.
Andes: Two seasons: the dry season (April to October), with sunny days, cold nights and lack of rain; and the rainy season (November to March), when there are frequent rain showers (around 1000 mm). Temperatures change a lot between day and night. At noon it could be around 24°C and drop to -3°C at night.
Jungle: Humidity all year. The climate is divided into two different areas: the cloud forest (subtropical climate, with rain showers between November and March and sunny days from April to October); and the lowland jungle (where the dry season runs from April to October and is ideal for tourism, with sunshine and very pleasant temperatures of 35°C).
Gastronomy: Patrimonio cultural de Perú, la comida peruana está considerada como una de las mejores y más variadas del mundo. Su gastronomía reúne en sí elementos de los cinco continentes que le aportaron sus ingredientes a lo largo de la historia, basada en sus productos tradicionales andinos y amazónicos en una perfecta unión con las influencias criolla, africana y asiática. Un plato muy típico –que deberíamos probar en nuestros viajes a Perú- es el ceviche: pescado y mariscos, marinado con salsa de limón y rocoto.
De hecho, el ají o rocoto, un pimiento picante, adereza gran parte de los platos con su intenso sabor. También tienen mucha relevancia en los menús peruanos los pescados y mariscos, sobre todo, en las zonas de costa. La mayoría de las comidas van acompañadas de arroz y papas. Las verduras y frutas tropicales, son muy diversas y ricas.Si usted tiene alguna pregunta, por favor no dude en escribir a: info@andeanholidayexpeditions.com